The office of the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for a number of functions within the hospital encompassing financial accounting activities, management accounting activities, cash flow management, payroll management, accounts payable, income and collections, procurement, information communications technology (ICT) and some non-clinical support services.
The team consists of multi-disciplinary, progressive, professional staff with considerable experience in the management of hospital financial, ICT and non-clinical support services.
Accounts Payable: 021-2305080 / 5082 / 5083 and e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Salaries and Wages: 021-2305058 / 5059
Patient Accounts: 021- 4935330
Procurement Office: 021-2307239 / 7241 / 7238 / 7243
Accountants: 021-2305067 / 5084 / 5079 / 5078